This is not your average vampire film. If carlsberg did vampire films, they would probably make this one, it is an outstanding horror film, with equal doses of drama and romance that serve to make the scares far more chilling as well as adding depth to an enchanting story. While recent vampire films tend to focus on action and gore, Alfredson uses it sparingly and to great effect, clearly aware that on screen violence is much more shocking and powerful when the audience share a connection with the characters.
Vampire fans will instantly recognise the title's reference to vampire lore, the creatures can only enter a house when invited in, and it is pleasing to see a vampire film that breaks away from the genre in terms of storytelling and character development rather than the reinvention of vampire legacy seen in films such as Blade and 30 days of night. Let the right one in has more in common with early horrors such as Nosferatu and Vampyr, creating an unsettling atmosphere and building up suspense as the story develops. The two young actors are stunning as Oskar and Eli, creating very believable characters who are bought together through a shared sense of isolation.
As Oskar gradually realises that Eli is not human, he begins to confront his fears as the town around him is sent into a panic due to a number of deaths in mysterious circumstances. It is the growth of Oskars character that really sets this film aside and the final pay off is an extraordinary scene reminiscent of the bloody prom night in Carrie when a prank goes horribly wrong.
Let the right one in probably won't be given a major release in the UK which is a huge shame, although it is very rare to see a subtitled film in any mainstream cinema. Fortunately, it is released in the UK on the 10th April and will be showing in Stoke film theatre, although dates are yet to be confirmed. Do yourself a big favour and watch this film, you won't be disappointed.
The trailer for the film is on a previous post - Upcoming horror films, just scroll down the page.
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