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Tuesday, 3 August 2010

New Release - Knight And Day

There are some films that you just know you're not going to enjoy before even walking into the cinema. Knight and Day was one such film for me; in the back of my mind I was hoping that I could be pleasantly surprised, but unfortunately it turned out to be as horrendous as I first suspected, with lacklustre performances from actors past the peak of their careers.

Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz star in this action comedy which fails miserably in both the action and comedy stakes. Cruise has no problems slipping back in to the role of a secret agent whilst Diaz is the stereotypical Blonde who becomes an unwilling partner in his daring exploits. Although they still have a great screen presence and a definite chemistry, Tom and Cameron have reached a new low with Knight and Day, its only appeal being the reunion of the two actors who must have a lack of good scripts being offered their way.

Billed as a summer blockbuster, Knight and Day can not even be compared to other recent successful blockbusters such as Toy Story 3 and Inception, and doesn't even come close to the duff remake of The Karate Kid. If any other actors were in the main roles, this would be a complete failure at the box office and a film destined for the bargain bin. The action scenes are predictable and grossly unrealistic, for those daft enough to pay the asking price, prepare yourself for a ridiculous bike chase amongst the running of the bulls.

Stay away from this awful film, even though it was a preview screening and my tickets were free, I am annoyed at losing two hours of my life. Tom Cruise and Cameron Diaz need to realise that their days as respected celebrities will be numbered if their attempts to replicate the earlier successes of their careers continues. Knight and Day could possibly be the worst film of the year so far, although I do have tickets for Step Up 3-D and The Last Airbender so this could soon change...


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